Friday, January 7, 2011


Title: 64 Desain Kamar Mandi
Author: Alan Ali Imron &Budi Perman
Publisher: Griya Kreasi (Penebar Swadaya)
Edition: 27 Apr 2009
Pages: 120
Dimension: 19 x 23 cm
Language: Indonesia

Bathroom is one of the vital part from the house. We used to think about something smells bad, dark, dirty dan located in the corner of a house if we think about bathroom. But, not for now. Some people may choose bathroom as their favourite place in the house, place to release the stress, to inspire and give fresh ideas. This book shows us 64 bathroom design with 1,5 - 6 m2 size. There are three themes in this book which include Natural, Classic dan Modern themes. If you interesting in add some inspiring idea for building or renovating your bathroom, you shouldn't miss this book.